Results for 'Alessio Palmero Aprosio'

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  1.  6
    Pinocchio nel paese dei paradossi: viaggio tra le contraddizioni della logica.Alessio Palmero Aprosio - 2012 - Milano (Italy): Sironi.
  2. What Does it Mean to Mimic Nature? A Typology for Biomimetic Design.Alessio Gerola, Zoë Robaey & Vincent Blok - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-20.
    In an effort to produce new and more sustainable technologies, designers have turned to nature in search of inspiration and innovation. Biomimetic design (from the Greek bios, life, mimesis, imitation) is the conscious imitation of biological models to solve today's technical and ecological challenges. Nowadays numerous different approaches exist that take inspiration from nature as a model for design, such as biomimicry, biomimetics, bionics, permaculture, ecological engineering, etc. This variety of practices comes in turn with a wide range of different (...)
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    Emergencias, transiciones y colapsos. Apuntes sobre filosofía política práctica y resiliencia.Maria Jose Guerra Palmero - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:35-55.
    My aim in this tentative text is framing political philosophy in the planetary context of Anthropocene. I will explore the political meaning of three non-excluding scenarios (emergencies, transitions and collapse) in order to demand the adequate doses of realism and utopianism to survive as an eco-dependent humanity. The climate emergency implies the acceptance of resilience as a political objective from the starting point of our radical vulnerability. We need a practical political philosophy that makes room for hope.
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    Three Poems on Memory.Alessio Zanelli - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (2):465-467.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Three Poems on MemoryAlessio ZanelliMICROCHIMERISMI feel them,the way I feel the stardust seeping through my skin.I feel them in the light and in the dark,in absolute silence and in deafening noise,in peaceful days and in gloomy days,while awake and while asleep.They whisper to me who I am,where I came from and where I'm headed.They uphold mewhen my body falters or my mind breaks down.I feel them loud and cleareven (...)
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  5. Dibattito: Interventi di: Maurizio Ferraris, Gianni Carchia, Piero Palmero, Gianni Vattimo, Franco Rella, Fausto Curi.Maurizio Ferraris, Gianni Carchia, Piero Palmero, Gianni Vattimo & Franco Rella - 1983 - Studi di Estetica 2:90-112.
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    Resenha do livro "Variational Approach to Gravity Field Theories - From Newton to Einstein and Beyond".Alessio Gava - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 42.
    This is a critical review of the book Variational Approach to Gravity Field Theories - From Newton to Einstein and Beyond (2017), written by the Italian astrophysicist Alberto Vecchiato. In his work, Vecchiato shows that physics, as we know it, can be built up from simple mathematical models that become more complex step by step by gradually introducing new principles. The reader is invited to follow the steps that lead from classical physics to relativity and to understand how this happens (...)
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    Norm dynamics : institutional facts, social rules and practice.Alessio Antonini, Cecilia Blengino, Guido Boella & Leendert van der Torre - unknown
    SOCREAL 2013 : 3rd International Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality 2013. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 25-27 October 2013. Session 2 : Imperatives and Norms.
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  8. I Fabii di Brindisi.María Aprosio - 2001 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 22:39-52.
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    La qualité de l’éducation inclusive en Italie.Alessio Covelli & Lucia de Anna - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-3 (14-3):175-188.
    The evaluation of the quality of the processes of educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities is considered a key element in the improvement of their living conditions. The research presented here is part of the analyses carried out in Italy and abroad on the identification of indicators and categories able to provide a representative picture of the processes of school inclusion by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the system in local contexts. Assessing the quality of inclusive education (...)
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  10. Dispositions.J. C. D'alessio - 1966
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  11. Un copista di classici italiani ei libri di Luca Della robbia.Alessio Decaria - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:243-287.
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  12.  76
    On the definition of observation as justified true perception.Alessio Gava - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (1):123-141.
    The primacy of the act of observation, one of the hallmarks of empiricism, found new life in the centrality of the distinction, made in Bas van Fraassen's constructive empiricism, between observable and unobservable. As Elliott Sober have pointed out, however, it is not clear what van Fraassen understands by observing an object. Worse, the Dutch philosopher does not seem to consider that a clarification of this point is necessary. This, of course, represents an important lacuna in a position generally considered (...)
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    Why van Fraassen should amend his position on instrument-mediated detections.Alessio Gava - 2016 - Analysis and Metaphysics 15:55–76.
    Constructive empiricism is a prominent anti-realist position whose aim is to make sense of science. As is well known, it also crucially depends on the distinction between what is observable and what scientific theories postulate but is unobservable to us. Accordingly, adopting an adequate notion of observability is in order, on pain of failing to achieve the goal of grasping science and its aim. Bas van Fraassen, the originator of constructive empiricism, identifies observation with unaided (at least in principle) human (...)
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  14.  16
    La disputa en torno a la comunidad o la deriva antifundamentalista del continente habermasiano.María José Guerra Palmero - 1999 - Isegoría 20:67-88.
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  15.  23
    Migraciones, género y ciudadanía. Una reflexión normativa.María José Guerra Palmero - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:201-210.
    El fenómeno migratorio es creador de transnacionalidad. En este contexto se replantea el carácter restrictivo de la ciudadanía ligada a la mera garantía de los derechos de los individuos pertenecientes al Estado-Nación. La discusión sobre la desterritorialización de la ciudadanía está abierta y no puede desligarse de los cambios propiciados por la globalización. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de género a la que obliga el fenómeno de la feminización de las migraciones, tanto en el plano normativo como en los estudios empíricos, (...)
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    Presentación: Cuerpos, géneros y diferencia.María José Guerra Palmero - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:7.
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    (1 other version)Las tentativas coloniales francesas en Florida en el siglo XVI a través de la Narrativa de Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues.Malena López Palmero - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (1).
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  18. Bioética y género: problemas y controversias.María José Guerra Palmero - 1999 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 14 (3):527-549.
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  19.  8
    Éticas y políticas de la alteridad: en torno al pensamiento de Gabriel Bello Reguera.Guerra Palmero, María José & Aránzazu HdezPiñero (eds.) - 2015 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    ¿Qué cabida tienen, o pueden tener, las éticas y las políticas de la alteridad en el horizonte filosófico actual? En el contexto de la filosofía española reciente, la obra de Gabriel Bello Reguera (Dehesas, León, 1943) ha afrontado el reto ético-político que plantea el tomarse en serio la alteridad. Ha desarrollado su carrera académica en la Universidad de La Laguna como catedrático de Filosofía Moral y en su trayectoria cabría señalar tres giros fundamentales, si bien relacionados entre sí. El primero (...)
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  20.  27
    Integrating Value Considerations in the Decision Making for the Design of Biorefineries.Mar Palmeros Parada, Lotte Asveld, Patricia Osseweijer & John Alexander Posada - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):2927-2955.
    Biobased production has been promoted as a sustainable alternative to fossil resources. However, controversies over its impact on sustainability highlight societal concerns, value tensions and uncertainties that have not been taken into account during its development. In this work, the consideration of stakeholders’ values in a biorefinery design project is investigated. Value sensitive design is a promising approach to the design of technologies with consideration of stakeholders’ values, however, it is not directly applicable for complex systems like biorefineries. Therefore, some (...)
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  21. Il descensus in inferna e l�Introduzione di Antonio Orbe.Alessio Persic - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (2):321-345.
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  22.  8
    Kari Weil, Precarious Partners: horses and their humans in nineteenth-century France.Alessio Petrizzo - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):314-317.
    Le livre refermé, le lecteur peut avoir l’impression d’avoir littéralement accompli une promenade à cheval dans la culture française du xixe siècle. Culture au sens large, qu’elle soit littéraire, philosophique, politique, scientifique ou visuelle, qu’elle touche aux loisirs ou à l’étude. Tout fait source : les idéologues, les écrivains, les peintres, la presse illustrée, la photographie (peut-être nénamoins sous-estimée), les affiches, le théâtre, le cirque, les rituels sociaux populaires ou...
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  23.  15
    Back to the roots of vector and tensor calculus: Heaviside versus Gibbs.Alessio Rocci - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (4):369-413.
    In June 1888, Oliver Heaviside received by mail an officially unpublished pamphlet, which was written and printed by the American author Willard J. Gibbs around 1881–1884. This original document is preserved in the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. Heaviside studied Gibbs’s work very carefully and wrote some annotations in the margins of the booklet. He was a strong defender of Gibbs’s work on vector analysis against quaternionists, even if he (...)
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  24.  21
    The Incommensurable and the Visible: Gaetano Chiurazzi’s Ontology of Incommensurability and Merleau-Ponty’s Theory of Perception.Alessio Rotundo - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (3):431-444.
    In Dynamis. Ontologia dell’incommensurabile, Gaetano Chiurazzi offers an account of the philosophical sense and implications of the discovery of incommensurable magnitudes in ancient thought. In his study, Chiurazzi presents the scope of the idea of incommensurability in contrast to those theories that have interpreted perception as the primary access to reality. Chiurazzi claims that the discovery of incommensurable relations, such as that of “1/square root of 2,” which expresses the relation between the side and the diagonal of a square, introduces (...)
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    A City of Guardians: Refocusing the Aim and Scope of Aristotle’s Critique of Plato’s Republic.Alessio Santoro - 2019 - Polis 36 (2):313-335.
    In Politics 2.2-5 Aristotle criticises the state described in Plato’s Republic. The general consensus in the secondary literature is that Aristotle’s critique is unfair and too narrow in scope. Aristotle unjustifiably ignores significant parts of Plato’s Republic and unreasonably assumes that the community of wives, children and property extends to the whole of Kallipolis. Although R. Mayhew’s defence of Aristotle’s criticism has mitigated this negative assessment, the problem has remained unresolved. This paper questions the traditional view and suggests an explanation (...)
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    Neural Representations Beyond “Plus X”.Alessio Plebe & Vivian M. De La Cruz - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):93-117.
    In this paper we defend structural representations, more specifically neural structural representation. We are not alone in this, many are currently engaged in this endeavor. The direction we take, however, diverges from the main road, a road paved by the mathematical theory of measure that, in the 1970s, established homomorphism as the way to map empirical domains of things in the world to the codomain of numbers. By adopting the mind as codomain, this mapping became a boon for all those (...)
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  27.  39
    Vicarious motor activation during action perception: beyond correlational evidence.Alessio Avenanti, Matteo Candidi & Cosimo Urgesi - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Deontic interpreted systems.Alessio Lomuscio & Marek Sergot - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (1):63 - 92.
    We investigate an extension of the formalism of interpreted systems by Halpern and colleagues to model the correct behaviour of agents. The semantical model allows for the representation and reasoning about states of correct and incorrect functioning behaviour of the agents, and of the system as a whole. We axiomatise this semantic class by mapping it into a suitable class of Kripke models. The resulting logic, KD45n i-j, is a stronger version of KD, the system often referred to as Standard (...)
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    Testing the modulation of self-related automatic and others-related controlled processing by chronotype and time-of-day.Lucía B. Palmero, Víctor Martínez-Pérez, Miriam Tortajada, Guillermo Campoy & Luis J. Fuentes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103633.
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    Causal models and evidential pluralism in econometrics.Alessio Moneta & Federica Russo - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (1):54-76.
    Social research, from economics to demography and epidemiology, makes extensive use of statistical models in order to establish causal relations. The question arises as to what guarantees the causal interpretation of such models. In this paper we focus on econometrics and advance the view that causal models are ‘augmented’ statistical models that incorporate important causal information which contributes to their causal interpretation. The primary objective of this paper is to argue that causal claims are established on the basis of a (...)
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  31.  58
    Persuasion as tool of education: The Wittgensteinian case.Alessio Persichetti - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (6):624-633.
    In this paper, I aim to explore what role persuasion plays in the early education of children. Advocating Wittgenstein, I claim that persuasion involves imparting to a pupil about a particular world-picture (Weltbild) by showing rather than explaining. This because we cannot introduce a child to the hinges of a world-picture through a discursive argument. I will employ the remarks of Wittgenstein in On Certainty (1969) (OC) to define what persuasion (Überredung) is. I will make use of the notes regarding (...)
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  32.  52
    A Filosofia da Ciência de Bas van Fraassen e o Seu Voluntarismo Epistêmico, de Kathleen Okruhlik.Alessio Gava - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (4):399-416.
    This is the Portuguese translation of Kathleen Okruhlik's paper "Bas van Fraassen’s Philosophy of Science and His Epistemic Voluntarism" (2014) Bas van Fraassen’s anti-realist account of science has played a major role in shaping recent philosophy of science. His constructive empiricism, in particular, has been widely discussed and criticized in the journal literature and is a standard topic in philosophy of science course curricula. Other aspects of his empiricism are less well known, including his empiricist account of scientific laws, his (...)
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  33. The geometry of standard deontic logic.Alessio Moretti - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):19-57.
    Whereas geometrical oppositions (logical squares and hexagons) have been so far investigated in many fields of modal logic (both abstract and applied), the oppositional geometrical side of “deontic logic” (the logic of “obligatory”, “forbidden”, “permitted”, . . .) has rather been neglected. Besides the classical “deontic square” (the deontic counterpart of Aristotle’s “logical square”), some interesting attempts have nevertheless been made to deepen the geometrical investigation of the deontic oppositions: Kalinowski (La logique des normes, PUF, Paris, 1972) has proposed a (...)
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  34. Kant davanti alla tradizione filosofica.Franco Alessio - 1990 - In Kant: lezioni di aggiornamento. Bologna: Zanichelli.
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  35. L'idealismo religioso di Piero Martinetti.Franco Alessio - 1950 - Brescia,: Morcelliana.
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    Studi sul neospiritualismo.Franco Paolo Alessio - 1953 - Roma,: Fratelli Bocca.
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    A proposito del saggio di Giuliano Marini La filosofia cosmopolitica di Kant.Alessio Calabrese - 2010 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 23:257-278.
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    Austin on Nowell-Smith's conditional analyses of `could have' and `can'.J. C. D'Alessio - 1972 - Mind 81 (322):260-264.
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    O Empirismo Construtivo, a Distinção entre Observar e Observar Que e a Intencionalidade.Alessio Gava - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (3):149-176.
    The act of observing is crucial for constructive empiricism, Bas van Fraassen's celebrated position on the aim of science. As Buekens and Muller noted in 2012, the Dutch philosopher should have characterized observation as an intentional act, because observation in science has a purpose. In the present article, which will also address the distinction between observing and observing that, introduced by Hanson and Dretske, it will be shown that considerations about the intentionality of the act of observing are, on the (...)
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  40.  26
    Qual ontologia para o empirismo construtivo?Alessio Gava - 2014 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 21 (35):413-427.
    Is there an ontological question relative to van Fraassen’s Constructive Empiricism? It seems so, despite this philosophical position, a reference for contemporary Empiricism, presenting itself as an epistemological thesis. It is, furthermore, a very up-to-date matter, as the Dutch philosopher has recently changed his mind about the possibility for us to observe common optical phenomena as the rainbow. This reveals the necessity for a discussion about the concept of phenomena as used by van Fraassen, as Foss stated more than twenty (...)
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  41.  23
    Arendt y los feminismos contemporáneos: ontología y política.María José Guerra Palmero - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:203-212.
    Este artículo analiza algunos interesantes momentos en la recepción feminista del pensamiento de Hannah Arendt. Al igual que respecto a otros clásicos y clásicas del pensamiento contemporáneo —Beauvoir, Foucault o Habermas, por poner sólo tres ejemplos— nos hemos encontrado con una nutrida historia de encuentros y desencuentros. Tras una primera valoración negativa del pensamiento arendtiano, por parte de las teóricas feministas de la segunda ola, el juicio, posteriormente, se matizará y el estudio de la riqueza conceptual de la autora y (...)
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  42.  13
    Iris Marion Young, la pensadora de las injusticias estructurales y de la responsabilidad política.María José Guerra Palmero - 2013 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 51:5.
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    Mujeres, desarrollo y medio ambiente: Hacia una teoría ecofeminista de la justicia.María José Guerra Palmero & Aránzazu Hernández Piñero - 2005 - Isegoría 32:185·200.
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    (1 other version)Mujer, identidad y espacio público.María José Guerra Palmero - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:45-64.
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    A counter abstraction technique for verifying properties of probabilistic swarm systems.Alessio Lomuscio & Edoardo Pirovano - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 305 (C):103666.
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  46.  10
    Adnotationes super Lucanum 8, 618.Alessio Mancini - 2020 - Hermes 148 (3):383.
    the scholion to Lucan, “Bellum Civile” 8, 618 that is found in the “Adnotationes super Lucanum” is at first sight pointless, but it becomes immediately meaningful if we accept the idea that the scholiast commented the text by systematically comparing it with Livy’s narrative on those same events. This approach casts a new light on how these ancient commentators read Lucan and can be also useful to solve exegetical issues.
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    Coping With Adolescents Affected by Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Parental Personality Traits.Alessio Maria Monteleone, Alberta Mereu, Giammarco Cascino, Maria Chiara Castiglioni, Chiara Marchetto, Melissa Grasso, Maria Pontillo, Tiziana Pisano, Stefano Vicari & Valeria Zanna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionAnorexia nervosa promotes psychological distress in caregivers who adopt different coping strategies. Dysfunctional caregiving styles exacerbate further distress in the patient promoting the maintenance of the illness. We aimed to assess the possible contribution of personality traits of caregivers to the adoption of different coping strategies to deal with the affected relative.MethodsAbout 87 adolescents with AN were recruited. Their parents completed the Family Coping Questionnaire for Eating Disorders and the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised. Differences between mothers and fathers were assessed (...)
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  48.  27
    Il tema dell'io come luogo dell'anti-schopenhauerismo di Wittgenstein.Alessio Musio - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (2):349-372.
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  49. Abordajes éticos del riesgo (o hay cosas con las que no se debe jugar).María José Guerra Palmero - 1998 - Laguna 5:181-200.
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    Bioética en España: treinta años de interdisciplinariedad y controversias (1975-2005).María José Guerra Palmero - 2005 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.), Bioética: entre la medicina y la ética. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca.
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